Satellite Broadband

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Satellite broadband services available to everyone, everywhere in Europe and some parts of North Africa.





SES Broadband Servicecs[/one_half]



Tooway Broadband


Up to 40 times faster than many fixed line broadband (ADSL) connections and with a proper UK IP address you get full access to UK websites and content. Simply plug in and switch on. No telephone connection required. The Astrasat satellite broadband service connects your computer to the internet via a high-speed satellite connection. A single satellite mini-dish and a modem are all you need. [one_third]


Wherever you’re located Astrasat offers you more than 20 Mbps download on our standard service and 50 Mbps on our bespoke service with 6 Mbps upload. Ideal for properties outside the fixed line broadband footprint or that have poor broadband speed over wires. [/one_third] [one_third]


Affordable rates that fit any budget, our satellite broadband service starts as low as €0.66c per day and with FREE set up on some tariffs. Hire or rent on a short or long term bases. Astrasat has designed this service for consumers, home offices and small businesses alike with up to 100 consecutive users. Whether you need Satellite Broadband for your work or just for the family, there’s a package to suit you. Satellite Broadband will allow you to use free voice over IP (VoIP) services like Skype, and also take advantage of additional features like multi-channel TV and Freeview through the same dish. [/one_third] [one_third_last]


Getting online with Astrasat is very simple. You’ll need a small satellite dish on the outside of your property and a simple set-top-box. You then simply plug in your PC or Mac (or share via a router if you prefer) and away you go. You don’t need a phone line, and it’s always on. [/one_third_last]